JANUARY 21, 2025
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gassville, Arkansas was held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at the Gassville Community Center. Mayor Braim led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and offering a word of prayer. The meeting was then called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Jeff Braim, Presiding Officer.
Upon the calling of the roll, those in attendance were Council Member Kenneth Smith, Council Member Tim McFarland, Council Member Anita Seaman, Council Member Naomi Lassen, Council Member Ernest Adkins, Council Member Ralph Bird, Mayor Jeff Braim, and Recorder-Treasurer Jeff Lewis. Department Heads in attendance were Police Chief Tim Mayfield, Fire Chief Michael Glotzl, and Water and Street Superintendent Michael Dewey.
The minutes from the December 17, 2024 regular meeting were presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Lassen moved to approve the minutes as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. Mayor Braim called for corrections or additions. None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the minutes to stand approved.
The financial report for the month of December, 2024 was then presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Lassen moved to approve the report as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Prior to calling for the vote, the Mayor announced that a vehicle that had been seized and impounded by the police department years ago as evidence in a criminal case has been sold at auction and brought $322.50. Mayor Braim then called for questions or corrections. None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the financial report to stand approved.
Police Chief Mayfield gave the police department report for the month of December, 2024 and also the report for calendar year 2024. They were both accepted into the record without objection
Fire Chief Glotzl gave the fire department report for the month of December, 2024 and also the report for calendar year 2024. Both of those were also accepted into the record without objection. Chief Glotzl stated that two members of the fire department are enrolled in EMT class at ASUMH in Mountain Home. The cost for this class is between $1,300 and $1,400 each. Each student received a $800 grant toward these expenses. Chief Glotzl asked if the City Council might agree to pay for a portion of the remaining cost, perhaps $200 each, as had been authorized in the past for other fire department volunteers. This would be with the proviso that the volunteers completed and passed the course and agreed to continue to volunteer with the fire department for two additional years. If they did not, they would be required to reimburse the funds to the city. The funds would come from the fire department's training budget. Council Member Smith moved to allow for this compensation to the two volunteers in the amount and manner recommended by Chief Glotzl. The motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. During discussion, it was suggested that the city pick up all of the remaining costs of the class for each volunteer after their $800 grants had been deducted. No vote was taken on Council Member Smith's original motion. He then made a new motion to authorize the fire department, from its training budget expense line item, to pay for the remaining costs of the EMT training course that the two fire department volunteers are taking, in excess of the $800 grant each received, with the proviso that they complete and pass the class and agree to volunteer an additional two years for the fire department, or if not then to reimburse the city. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. After further discussion, Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Mayor Braim then gave the building inspection report for the period of 12/12/2024 through 01/17/2025, as well as the report for calendar year 2024. These were accepted into the record without objection.
Council Member Seaman gave a report from the Cotter-Gassville Joint Sewer Commission, which had last met on January 9, 2025. Operations at the wastewater treatment facility are normal. The license renewal for the facility is due in June. She announced that the facility manager is retiring, and that Jim Plumlee, who will be obtaining a Class III license, will be taking over as manager. Council Member Seaman reported on operations of the line crew and gave updated reports on the status of the lift stations. Grease trap inspections are also still taking place. Line crew manager Tim Kelley will be retiring soon, and his replacement is being trained. "Phase III" of the collection system renovations will likely be delayed due to cost overruns, and also another archaeological survey has to be completed. The next construction progress meeting will not be held until sometime in March.
Mayor Braim announced that the application cycle for parks grants will be opening in April.
Under unfinished business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 2024-08 on its second reading. Council Member Lassen moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its second reading by title only. The motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Under new business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Resolution No. 2025-01, the 2025 budget resolution. Council Member McFarland moved to present the proposed resolution and have it read. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed resolution, entitled:
Following the reading, Council Member Lassen moved to approve the resolution as read, which motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Proposed Resolution No. 2025-02 was next on the agenda. Council Member Seaman moved to present the proposed resolution and have it read. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed resolution, entitled:
Council Member Bird moved to approve the resolution was read, which motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
As this was the first meeting of the City Council for the new year 2025, the annual organization of the city government was discussed. The regular meeting dates and times of the City Council will remain the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Community Center. Special meetings may be called as needed. All committee member appointments were made and agreed upon. A copy of the organization chart is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Continuing under new business, the Mayor asked the City Council to approve creating a new expense line item in the General Fund budget for legal expenses related to the ongoing litigation involving the new city water well construction. Council Member Bird moved to create a new General Fund expense line item to be called "Legal Expenses". This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Mayor Braim then updated the City Council on various matters, to-wit:
1. The State Aid Street Committee met in December, 2024. Of the 147 requests for funding for overlay work, only 37 of them were approved. Gassville's request was not approved for this year. The Mayor did note that the authorized allowance for approved projects has increased from $350,000 to $400,000.
2. The Mayor and others attended the Arkansas Municipal League's winter conference. He also noted that the state's legislative session has begun.
3. The water tank cleaning and maintenance is scheduled for February, weather permitting.
4. The 2022-2023 legislative audit report has been received. Mayor Braim read the cover letter and excerpts from the comments in the report. The auditors noted in the report that "During our evaluation, nothing came to our attention that would warrant disclosure in this report."
5. The new computer server from Yelcot is in the process of being installed.
6. A meeting was set for the Public Safety Committee for Wednesday, February 5th at 10 AM and for the Personnel Committee for Thursday, February 6th at 10 AM. Both will be held at the community center, and both are open to the public.
7. Needed repairs to the Mayor's vehicle are currently being made.
Prior to adjournment, Council Member McFarland asked if the city had received any updates recently on the operations at the Youth Center in Cotter. Mayor Braim replied that he has not received any updates in a long time.
There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting then adjourned at 7:07 PM upon motion of Council Member Bird, seconded by Council Member Lassen, with all members voting in favor.
Submitted by: /s/ Jeffrey Lewis,
Approved by: /s/ Jeff Braim,