3/24/2025 - Gassville in the Park Vendor Application3/19/2025 - COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20253/14/2025 - Council Meeting Agenda3/6/2025 - Committee Meetings2/26/2025 - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY, 20252/20/2025 - Council Meeting (Agenda)1/31/2025 - Recycling Trailer1/22/2025 - COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER, 20241/19/2025 - January City Council Meeting (Agenda)1/19/2025 - City Hall Closed MLK Holiday1/10/2025 - Recycling Rescheduled (Weather)1/6/2025 - Recycling Rescheduled12/31/2024 - City Council Meeting (Oath of Office)12/18/2024 - Christmas/New Year's Day Holidays (City Hall Closed)12/18/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER, 202412/13/2024 - City Council Meeting (Agenda)12/10/2024 - City Council Budget Work Session11/20/2024 - Thanksgiving Holiday City Hall Closed11/20/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER, 202411/15/2024 - November City Council Meeting Agenda