FEBRUARY 25, 2025
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gassville, Arkansas was held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at the Gassville Community Center. The meeting was held one week later than normal due to inclement weather. Mayor Braim led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and offering a word of prayer. The meeting was then called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Jeff Braim, Presiding Officer.
Upon the calling of the roll, those in attendance were Council Member Tim McFarland, Council Member Anita Seaman, Council Member Naomi Lassen, Council Member Ernest Adkins, Council Member Ralph Bird, Mayor Jeff Braim, and Recorder-Treasurer Jeff Lewis. Council Member Kenneth Smith was absent. Department Heads in attendance were Police Chief Tim Mayfield, Fire Chief Michael Glotzl, and Water and Street Superintendent Michael Dewey.
The minutes from the January 21, 2025 regular meeting were presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Seaman moved to approve the minutes as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim stated that a change needed to be made on page 2 of the minutes to indicate that WWTF employee Jim Plumlee will be obtaining his Class III license, not that he already has one. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion to approve with that change. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the minutes to stand approved.
The financial report for the month of January, 2025 was then presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Seaman moved to approve the report as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for questions or corrections. None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the financial report to stand approved.
Police Chief Mayfield gave the police department report for the month of January, 2025. It was accepted into the record without objection. In response to a previous inquiry from a member of the City Council, Chief Mayfield stated that the approximate cost of a refurbished AED for the police department would be $1,300 with a three year warranty. Mayor Braim stated that the police department has received a $52,725.00 public safety grant for equipment.
Fire Chief Glotzl gave the fire department report for the month of January, 2025. It was accepted into the record without objection.
Mayor Braim then gave the building inspection report for the period of 01/18/2025 to 02/14/2025. It as well was accepted into the record without objection.
The Cotter-Gassville Joint Sewer Commission did not meet. It was stated, however, that operations at the WWTF are normal following minor complications from cold and snow last week.
Council Member Lassen stated that the Gassville Planning and Zoning Commission has not met. Due to recent resignations, there are currently not enough remaining members to constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business. Replacements are being sought.
At this time, Mr. Mark Kapshandy gave a report to the City Council on the operations at the North Arkansas Youth Center in Cotter. Several other members of the youth center board were also present. It was announced that the current director of the youth center is Callie Dilbeck. One of the other board members asked about the possibility of using the Gassville City Park as a location for holding yoga classes. That request will be referred to the Parks Committee for consideration.
In unfinished business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 2024-08 on its third reading. Council Member Lassen moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Council Member Bird then moved to adopt the proposed ordinance as read, which motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and Ordinance No. 2024-08 to be adopted.
Mr. Nathan Buck, who owns a mobile food vendor truck that is parked in Gassville, addressed the City Council to ask for permission to place four picnic tables at his location for customers to use. After a brief period of discussion, Council Member McFarland moved to allow this request. The motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Moving on to new business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 2025-01 on its first reading. Mayor Braim stated this proposal was recommended by the Arkansas Municipal League. Council Member Lassen moved to place the proposed ordinance on its first reading. The motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud in its entirety the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Council Member McFarland then moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its second reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Members Seamans then moved to further suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Member Bird then moved to adopt the proposed ordinance as read with the emergency clause that was included therein. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
It was then pointed out that an emergency clause must be voted on separately and distinctly from the motion to adopt the ordinance. Council Member Bird then made a new motion to adopt just the ordinance as read, exclusive of the included emergency clause. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and this motion was declared to be carried and Ordinance No. 2025-01 to be adopted.
Finally, Council Member Bird moved to separately adopt the emergency clause included in the text of Ordinance No. 2025-01. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Continuing under new business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 2025-02 on its first reading. Council Member Lassen moved to place the proposed ordinance on its first reading, which motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Prior to the vote being called for, discussion was initiated by Superintendent Dewey with respect to what he deemed to be "unfair" variations in the vacation time allowed for certain employees. This was due to the change from vacation being awarded to each employee at the first of the year to it being awarded on the anniversary of their hire dates instead. This change apparently took place in 2024. After a good amount of discussion, it was decided to refer the matter to the personnel committee.
Mayor Braim then called a the vote on the motion to read the proposed ordinance. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud in its entirety the proposed ordinance, entitled:
This proposal will return for a second reading at the next meeting.
The final proposed ordinance to be considered under new business was Proposed Ordinance No. 2025-03. Council Member Seaman moved to place the proposed ordinance on its first reading. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud in its entirety the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Council Member McFarland then moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its second reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Member Seaman then moved to further suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Member Seaman moved to adopt the emergency clause that was included in the body and text of the proposed ordinance. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Finally, Council Member Bird moved to adopt the proposed ordinance, with the included emergency clause, as read. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays. The Mayor declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 2025-03 to be adopted with the emergency clause.
The matter of the destruction and disposal of certain old city documents and records was discussed. An affidavit outlining the specific contents of the disposal request was presented to the City Council, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference. Council Member McFarland moved to authorize the disposal and destruction of the documents and records identified in the affidavit. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Fire Chief Glotzl made a presentation to the City Council concerning the search for a hybrid-type fire engine to replace the prior Engine 2 and Tanker 1 that had recently been sold. Chief Glotzl found a 2012 Spartan Gladiator Pumper Tanker with a 1,500 gallon tank and a 1,500 gallon per minute pump. The vehicle has 58,500 miles and 347.3 hours of use on the pump. The vehicle is offered by T-Line Emergency Vehicles in Grand Ledge, Michigan at a cost of $200,000, which includes configuration to Gassville FD specifications. Chief Glotzl believes that this is a good price and would meet the needs of the fire department, as well as helping to secure and maintain the current ISO 2 rating. There is currently $82,210.95 available in the fire department truck fund #03344. During discussion, Council Members expressed the desire to purchase this vehicle if funding can be arranged. The Mayor will look into the possibility of a loan for all or part of the difference and/or the possibility of an additional appropriation from the General Fund to supplement what is available in the fire truck purchase fund. The City Council will revisit the matter at its March 18th meeting. Fire Chief Jimmy Morgan with the Gassville-Cotter Rural Fire Protection District was in attendance. He offered a testimonial with respect to the more than satisfactory quality and reputation of the vendor, which the rural department has purchased from in the past.
Mayor Braim stated that with the pending retirement of WWTF Superintendent Russell Duggins in June, he would like approval now to hire a new WWTF employee so that this person can begin training. The Mayor presented a cost estimate to the City Council for this new position. After reviewing the proposal, Council Member Bird moved to approve this new position and authorize the Mayor to fill it. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Prior to closing, the Mayor announced that some city officials or employees will be attending a regional training session in Berryville on Friday. He also thanked the public works crew members for their diligent efforts in dealing with the cold and snow event last week.
A meeting of the Water and Wastewater Committee will be called soon.
There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting then adjourned at 7:50 PM upon motion of Council Member Bird, seconded by Council Member McFarland, with all members voting in favor.
Submitted by: /s/ Jeffrey Lewis,
Approved by: /s/ Jeff Braim,