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Date Posted: 05/23/2024

APRIL 26, 2024    

     A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gassville, Arkansas was held on Friday, April 26, 2024 at the Gassville Community Center.  The meeting had been postponed from the regularly scheduled meeting date of April 16th due to lack of a quorum at that time.  The new meeting date and time had been provided to the public via local news media.  Mayor Braim led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and offering a word of prayer.  The meeting was then called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Jeff Braim, Presiding Officer.    

     Upon the calling of the roll, those in attendance were Council Member Kenneth Smith, Council Member Tim McFarland, Council Member Anita Seaman, Council Member Naomi Lassen, Council Member Ralph Bird, Mayor Jeff Braim, and Recorder-Treasurer Jeff Lewis.  Council Member Ernest Adkins was absent.  Department Heads in attendance were Water and Street Superintendent Michael Dewey and Fire Chief Michael Glotzl.     

     The minutes from the March 19, 2024 meeting were presented to the City Council for consideration and approval.  Council Member Lassen moved to approve the minutes as submitted.  This motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman.  Mayor Braim called for corrections or additions.  None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.

     The financial report for the month of March, 2024 was submitted to the City Council for review and approval. Council Member McFarland moved to approve the financial report as presented.  This motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman.  The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote.  Council Members Smith, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.

     The minutes for the public hearing held April 16, 2024 pertaining to condemnation of property were presented.  Council Member Lassen moved to approve those minutes as submitted.  The motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland.  No corrections or additions were asked for.  Mayor Braim then called for the vote on the motion to approve.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

     In the absence of Police Chief Mayfield, the Mayor gave the police department report for the month of March, 2024.  It was accepted into the record without objection.  

     Fire Chief Glotzl gave the fire department report for the month of March, 2024.  It was also accepted into the record without objection.

     Mayor Braim gave the building inspection report for the period of March 16th through April 12th.  It too was accepted into the record without objection.  The Mayor noted that a certificate of occupancy has been issued to the new Dollar General Market, which is set for soft opening on Sunday.

     Council Member Seaman gave a report from the Cotter-Gassville Joint Sewer Commission, which had met on April 11th, and made the following comments:

a.     Two employees at the wastewater treatment facility have now obtained their Class II operator license.  

b.     A new bucket for the Kubota tractor is needed.  Funding for that item is already in the budget.

c.     "RPZ" yearly testing at the facility will take place next Thursday.

d.     A new computer and a surplus cabinet for the facility office have been acquired.  

e.     Trail cameras on the walking trail are indicating that people are walking on the new ductile iron pipework.  The placement of signs is being considered to ask people to keep off of them.  

f.       The new lift station on CR 1 is complete.  A concrete pad has been poured for a generator. The perimeter still needs to be fenced and locked.  

g.     The river walk trail has been fully restored and is now open for public use.

h.     The joint sewer system now has 42 miles of line and 961 manholes.

i.       The second part of the "Phase II" project is set to commence in June.

j.       Collection of the new ½ cent sales tax for the water and sewer department should start coming into the treasury in September.  

k.     The City of Cotter bond issue is being finalized.

     Mayor Braim followed up this report by stating that there is an issue with a set of rails that the pump is attached to at the lift station.  This was discovered during testing.  The vendor will be coming back to make repairs.   The diesel generator is now up and running.

     Moving on to the formal agenda, there were no items of unfinished business to be taken up.




     Under new business, the City Council took up consideration of Proposed Resolution 2024-04 regarding condemnation of a nuisance structure at 104 Hopper Street owned by George Bernardy.  A public hearing on this matter had been held on April 16th.  Neither Mr. Bernardy nor anyone on his behalf appeared at the public hearing to speak.  He had been sent written notice of the public hearing via certified US mail, which he received and signed for.  A complete report on the condition of this structure and property had been previously given to the City Council by the Building Inspector, including photographs.

     Council Member McFarland moved to have the proposed resolution read, which motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman.  Mayor Braim called for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.  Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed resolution, entitled:


     Council Member McFarland then moved to adopt the proposed resolution, which motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman.  Mayor Braim called for discussion and then asked for a roll call vote on the motion to adopt.  Upon calling of the roll by the Recorder-Treasurer, Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays.  Council Member Adkins was absent.  The Mayor declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 2024-04 to be adopted.

     The next order of business was consideration of a contract with CSA Software Solutions for the CenterPoint Accounting Software.  This would replace the current QuickBooks accounting system now being used by the city.  Problems and issues with QuickBooks have previously been reported to the City Council.  The CenterPoint software is specifically designed and tailored for use by municipalities.  The City Council was in favor of making this change.  The options for paying for this system were discussed, being either payment in full or monthly installments.  





     After discussion, Council Member Lassen moved to approve the contract with CSA Software Solutions/CenterPoint as presented, along with the printer package, and to pay for it up front rather than by installments.  This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird.  The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.

     This was followed-up by a motion from Council Member McFarland, seconded by Council Member Smith, for an additional appropriation from the General Fund into the General Fund Budget for 2024, expense line item #1278 - Dues and Fees, in an amount required for full payment, being $10,449.00 plus an additional $790.00 for the printer package.  This motion was seconded by Council Member Smith.  The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.  

     Continuing under new business, the Mayor opened engineering qualification packets that had been received in response to the city having solicited qualification requests through proper advertising and publication.  Ellington Engineering, which the city has previously used, is moving from the area.  The new proposals received were from:

Tech USA
Civil Engineering Associates
Crafton Tull

     These proposals will be referred to the water and sewer committee to review.

     The issue of cancelling the city's credit card with Orscheln, which is no longer in business, was next discussed.  The Orscheln credit card provider, UMB Bank, requires a resolution form be approved by the City Council before the card can be cancelled.  A resolution and agreement form were provided for city officials to sign.  Council Member Bird moved to authorize the signing of this document in order to cancel the Orscheln credit card.  This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen.  The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.  





     Mayor Braim then updated the City Council on various issues, to-wit:

1.      The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration has indicated that it will start collecting the new ½ cent city sales tax on July 1st.  The first remittance to the city should come in September.  


2.     Yelcot Telephone Company will be providing the city with cyber security protection against ransomware, which protection is now mandated by Arkansas Law.  Minimum insurance coverage of $300,000 is required.  Beasley Insurance Company will be the underwriter on this coverage.


3.     The trail paving at Lancaster Park is finished.  The final invoice for the work has not yet been paid.  The grant should be closed out soon.


4.     Overlays on city streets from the Arkansas State Aid paving assistance program should begin either this fall or the first part of next year.  


5.     Dollar Tree/Family Dollar has applied for a beer and wine sales permit.


6.     Country Club Liquor has had a change in ownership.


7.     Pretrial conferencing will begin on May 2nd on the litigation involving the second city well.  Expert witnesses may need to be called by the city and associated expenses incurred.  Council Member Bird moved to authorize using the services of experts to support the city's claims and to allow for the expenses associated therewith.  This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland.  After discussion, the Mayor called for the vote.  Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion.  There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.

     Upcoming committee meetings were set as follows:

Water and Sewer Committee:  May 1st at 10:00 AM

Personnel Committee:  May 8th at 10:00 AM




     Council Member McFarland expressed his desire that the city keep on top of dilapidated properties, junk cars, and people mowing and maintaining their properties before it gets out of hand.  Police Officers and other city employees and officials should make note of these properties so steps can be taken to encourage remediation by the property owners to bring their properties into compliance with city ordinances.

     There being no further action to come before the City Council, the meeting then adjourned at 7:17 PM upon motion of Council Member Bird, seconded by Council Member McFarland, with all members voting in favor.


Submitted by:                /s/ Jeffrey Lewis,

Approved by:                    /s/ Jeff Braim,