AUGUST 16, 2022
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gassville, Arkansas was held on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at the Gassville Community Center. Mayor Braim led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and in offering a word of prayer. The meeting was then called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Jeff Braim, Presiding Officer.
Upon the calling of the roll, those in attendance were Council Member Tim McFarland, Council Member Anita Seaman, Council Member Naomi Lassen, Council Member Ralph Bird, Mayor Jeff Braim, and Recorder-Treasurer Jeff Lewis. Council Member Ernest Adkins and Council Member Kenneth Smith were absent. Department Heads in attendance were Police Chief Tim Mayfield, Water and Street Superintendent Michael Dewey, and Fire Chief Michael Glotzl.
The minutes from the July 19, 2022 regular meeting had been provided to each Council Member. Council Member Bird moved to approve the minutes as presented. This motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. There were no additions or corrections asked for, whereupon the Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be passed.
The financial report for the month of July, 2022 was presented to the City Council. Council Member Seaman moved to approve the financial report as presented. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Before calling for a vote to approve, Mayor Braim informed the City Council that he and clerical staff have been working with Mr. Brian Haas, CPA, who audits the water and sewer system records, and that daily water and sewer reconciliations are now being performed rather than simply balancing to the monthly bank statements. Mr. Haas should be at the next City Council meeting to discuss the 2021 water and sewer audit and the federal compliance audit. Mayor Braim then called for a vote on the motion to approve. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Police Chief Mayfield gave the police department activity report for the month of July, 2022. It was accepted into the record without objection. Chief Mayfield also informed the City Council that the police department is now fully staffed, and officers will be switching over to working 12 hour shifts to provide better coverage.
Fire Chief Glotzl gave the fire department activity report for the month of July, 2022. It was accepted into the record without objection. In addition to the regular report, Chief Glotzl gave a brief presentation on a method whereby the city might recoup some of the costs from insurance companies when the fire department responds to certain types of calls such as hazardous material spills and motor vehicle accidents. There is a company called E F Recovery that would handle the billing involved for the city, which would be based upon information collected by and provided by the fire department. Charges would not apply to people who are residents of Gassville, and there would be no costs to the city other than purchasing an iPad or tablet. Chief Glotzl stated that currently there are 7 or 8 other fire departments in Arkansas that use E F Recovery for this purpose. Council Members asked numerous questions and took the matter under advisement awaiting additional information.
With respect to the KnoxBox proposal that has been discussed several times in the past, Chief Glotzl reported that the matter is on hold awaiting a representative from the vendor to provide additional information and training materials to interested parties. Finally Chief Glotzl announced that he has been selected to serve as President of the Baxter County Fire Chief's Association.
Mayor Braim gave the building inspection report for the period of July 10th through August 9th. It too was accepted into the record without objection.
Superintendent Dewey stated that one of the wastewater treatment plant employees has now undertaken the process to begin obtaining his water and sewer licensing and a commercial driver license.
Council Member Seaman gave a report from the Cotter-Gassville Joint Sewer Commission, which last met on August 11th. She stated that all operations at the wastewater treatment plant are normal, and that a new employee, Mr. Jim Plumlee, is now working there. With respect to the issue at the Gassville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center that has previously been discussed, Council Member Seaman reported that S & M Plumbing has been contracted by the facility to address their sewer line issues.
Bale Chevrolet possibly has a work truck now in stock. The city has had a new truck on order for at least the last two years but has never received it.
Mr. Tim Mays, the engineer for the "Phase II" project with the sewer collection system, also attended the meeting. A conference call with Mr. Neal Hodges of USDA was held to discuss the status of the project. Documentation has been submitted to the Arkansas Department of Health for review, and the Cotter City Attorney is working on legal documents concerning utility easements and title opinions.
The Phase II project is now expected to cost approximately $3.2 million dollars. The city has asked the State of Arkansas, via the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, for a grant of $1 million dollars, or whatever amount they might agree to provide, to go toward the cost of the project. This would come from State ARPA money. State Senator Flippo and State Representative Fortner have both written letters of support for this request.
Council Member Lassen had nothing to report from the Gassville Planning and Zoning Commission.
There was no unfinished business on the agenda.
First under new business, the City Council took up consideration of a number of bids that had been received for the City Water Well #2 project. Those bids were opened on July 11th, and the City Council has already conducted a public hearing on the issue. The city's ARPA funds have been dedicated to be used toward this project. Mr. Danny Ellington, the engineer for the project, was present and helped to explain the bids that were received. Two change orders brought about through negotiation with the bidder have been received that would decrease the amount of their original bids. There were three separate phases of the project that separate bids had been sought for. These were for the drilling, the pump installation, and for the electrical service and generator. The City Council took up consideration of these bids, to-wit:
Midwest Hydro Drilling & Service, Inc., for drilling the well
Original Bid: $397,452.00
Change Order Decrease: - $ 31,227.03
Adjusted Bid: $366,224.97
Council Member Lassen moved to accept the adjusted bid amount of $366,224.97 from Midwest Hydro Drilling & Service, Inc. for drilling. The motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. Upon calling for the vote, Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion to be carried.
Midwest Hydro Drilling Service, Inc. for pump installation
Original Bid: $97,825.00
Council Member Bird moved to reject that bid, which motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion to reject the bid. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Washington Pump & Drilling Co. for pump installation
Original Bid: $ 77,910.00
Change Order Decrease: - $ 8,100.00
Adjusted Bid: $ 69,810.00
Council Member Seaman moved to accept the adjusted bid amount of $69,810.00 from Washington Pump & Drilling Co. for pump installation. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Crawford Electric for electrical work and generator
Original Bid: $138,550.00
Council Member McFarland moved to reject that bid, which motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
The bids that were accepted fall within the amount of available ARPA funds that the City Council has already pledged for this project, however there are no funds set aside for any contingency expenses that might arise later. The contractor has advised that there are two other projects ahead of Gassville's, so it will be later in the year before the drilling work commences.
The next order of business was consideration of Proposed Ordinance 2022-03, which would consolidate the local Firemen's Pension and Relief Plan with the Arkansas LOPFI system. This matter has already been approved by the local plan's Board of Trustees and previously referred to the City Council with a recommendation to approve.
Council Member Lassen moved to place proposed ordinance on its first reading, together with the accompanying Administrative Services Agreement and the included emergency clause. This motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed ordinance and agreement in their entirety, entitled:
Mayor Braim then asked for a vote to approve on the first reading. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted to approve. No nay votes were cast.
Council Member Bird then moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its second reading by title only, including with the emergency clause. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Member Seaman then moved to further suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only, including the emergency clause. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis again read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance.
Council Member Bird then moved to adopt the proposed ordinance and administrative services agreement, with the emergency clause included. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for discussion on the motion to adopt, then for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion to be carried and Ordinance No. 2022-03 to be adopted.
The City Council then moved on to consider Proposed Ordinance 2022-04, which would amend the regulations governing the use of fireworks in the city. Council Member Lassen moved to place the proposed ordinance on its first reading. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed ordinance in its entirety, entitled:
There was then a period of discussion, and the proposed ordinance will come back for its second reading during the September regular meeting.
In other business, the Mayor informed the City Council that the federal compliance audit for the sewer system expansion project should be completed soon. The city has already paid $2,500 toward the audit costs from ARPA funds. Mayor Braim asked for the City Council to approve paying the remainder of the audit costs from the General Fund budget, expense line item #1278 dues & fees. Council Member Bird moved to authorize this payment as requested, which motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mayor Braim then updated the City Council on various topics, to-wit:
1. Mayor Braim will serve as Chairperson of the Arkansas Municipal League's Advisory Committee for Second Class Cities and Incorporated Towns. He will be attending a meeting in Sherwood.
2. The Arkansas Division of Legislative Audit is currently conducting an audit of the city's 2021 books.
3. With respect to Council Member Bird's inquiry last month about the possibility of a splash pad for the city park, Mayor Braim stated that according to NWAEDD a potential grant source, 50/50 match, might be available to apply for next Spring.
Council Member McFarland asked about payment for a bookkeeping service expense, and the Mayor replied it had been paid for from the General Fund, dues & fees line item.
Prior to adjournment, Chief Mayfield pointed out that state statutory requirements mandate that if a proposed ordinance has an emergency clause included within it, then the City Council must vote separately on passing the emergency clause before it is valid. Therefore, Council Member Bird moved to adopt and approve the emergency clause that had been included as Section 4 in Ordinance 2022-03. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. The Mayor called for the vote. Council Members McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, and Bird voted for the motion to adopt the emergency clause. Mayor Braim declared the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting then adjourned at 7:38 PM upon motion of Council Member Bird, seconded by Council Member Seaman, with all members voting in favor.
Submitted by: /s/ Jeffrey Lewis,
Approved by: /s/ Jeff Braim,