3/20/2024 - Ordinance 2024-01 and Ordinance 2024-02 Adopted3/20/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20243/16/2024 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING3/15/2024 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING3/14/2024 - Accepting Annual Statements of Qualifications (SOQ)3/14/2024 - Your Annual Drinking Water Quality Report 3/11/2024 - Business Occupational License (Due April 15th, 2024)3/8/2024 - Planning & Zoning Commission Mtg.3/8/2024 - ONLINE BILL PAYMENT PORTAL2/29/2024 - Notice of Special Election2/26/2024 - Water Survey 2/21/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY, 20242/21/2024 - Planning and Zoning Commission Openings1/19/2024 - *WINTER PUBLIC ADVISORY*1/17/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER, 20231/2/2024 - COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER, 202312/26/2023 - HOLIDAY CLOSING11/15/2023 - COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER, 202311/9/2023 - City Council Mtg. (Agenda)10/25/2023 - COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER, 2023